Dinosaurs and the Expanding Earth


Welcome to the Dinosaurs and the Expanding Earth Quiz! To take part, read each question and click the button next to the answer you think is correct. You will be informed of the correct answer, and your current score, after each question is answered.

Good luck!

1. "Dinosaur" means:

Big Teeth
Terrible Lizard
Look At Me Eating
Enormous Reptile

2. One of the largest of the dinosaurs, Brachiosaurus, was 22.5 metres long, stood 12 metres high, and was estimated to weigh:

As much as an elephant.
Less than an elephant.
As much as 12 bull elephants.
About the same as a mouse.

3. Tyrannosaurus Rex was a large two-legged meat-eater. Despite being large and active enough to catch its prey, it has been estimated to weigh:

As much as an elephant.
About the same as a lion.
Roughly the same as 102 family cars.
As much as the RMS Titanic.

4. Today's elephant cannot jump or run. The best it can manage is a fast walk. This is because:

It is lazy.
It is so heavy it would injure itself.
It cannot bend its legs enough.
It has come to realise over the years that jumping or running attracts predators.

5. No known animals alive today reach the size of the dinosaurs. This is because:

They would injure themselves if they were this large.
They do exist, but governments worldwide have agreed to keep them secret.
Today's animals are not interested in being bigger or stronger.
Pollution in the atmosphere stunts their growth.

6. If the Earth's gravity was less, then animals would:

Stay the same size.
Grow smaller.
Be able to grow larger.

7. One explanation for a reduced gravity during the dinosaurs' time would be:

If the Earth was smaller in size.
If the Earth was smaller in size and mass.
If the Earth was larger in size.
If the Earth was larger in size and mass.

8. The theory that the Earth has been expanding since the time of the dinosaurs has been argued by:

A few lunatics.
A number of Earth scientists with geological evidence.
A number of Earth scientists with no evidence, believing it to be a cool theory.

9. The arguments for an expanding Earth are based upon:

A feeling.
An ancient scroll.
The fact that cats always land on their feet.
Geological evidence.

10. If the ancient Earth was smaller in size and mass, then dinosaurs would have:

Been able to grow much larger than present day life.
Been the same size as present day life.
Been smaller than present day life.
Been able to levitate.


and the
Expanding Earth

ebook from www.oneoffpublishing.com


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