New dinosaur discoveries have regularly been in the news over the last few years. Dreadnoughtus, Deinocheirus and a swimming Spinosaurus have all made headlines in national papers. Dinosaur palaeontologists recognise they are living in a golden age of dinosaur discovery with nearly one new dinosaur species discovered every week. Yet all these new dinosaur discoveries are increasingly highlighting the mystery of their obscure migration routes across the ancient world. It is often difficult to imagine how dinosaurs could migrate at all. When dinosaur migration routes are plotted on orthodox Plate Tectonic reconstructions they sometimes disappear at the edge of a continental plate, only to reappear on another continental plate supposedly separated by a vast ancient ocean. Plate Tectonic reconstructions introduce increasingly wider ancient oceans to separate the continental plates as we look further back in time so the problem becomes even more pronounced for early dinosaurs. This mystery is only a problem when the dinosaur migration routes are applied to orthodox Plate Tectonic reconstructions. Geologists have observed this problem for decades, indeed Meyerhoff and his colleagues were highlighting it in a Geological Society of America Memoir in 1996. It is also well-known that the problem disappears for the Expanding Earth theory. Since ancient plates are joined together on Expanding Earth reconstructions the dinosaurs can migrate directly from one ancient continental plate to another. Mystery solved. This is the explanation James Maxlow, an Australian geologist, has explored in detail in his new paper, Dinosaurs on an Expanding Earth, available as a free pdf download. As Maxlow notes, “The distribution, migration, and eventual demise of the dinosaurs on an Expanding Earth can be visualised in conjunction with a very involved period of crustal break-up, new ocean development, and changes in surface gravity.”
The whole concept is illustrated in detail with the distribution of dinosaurs and other life shown plotted on models of the smaller diameter Earth. Comment on this page
Maxlow, J. (2014). On the Origin of Continents and Oceans: A Paradigm Shift in Understanding Book detailsReview (pdf)
Maxlow, J. (2016). Dinosaurs on an Expanding Earth. Free pdf Meyerhoff, A. A., Boucot A. J., Meyerhoff-Hull D. & Dickins J. M. (1996). Phanerozoic faunal and floral realms of the Earth: The intercalary relations of the Milvinokaffric and Gondwana faunal realms with the Tethyan faunal realm. Geological Society of America, Memoir 189. Abstract & paywall pdfGoogle book version