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1990 to 1999


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Carey, S. Warren (1994). Creeds of Physics. In: Frontiers of Fundamental Physics pp 241-255. Springer, Boston, MA. ISBN 978-1-4613-6093-3.
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Ciechanowicz, S. & Koziar, J. (1994). Possible Relation between Earth Expansion and Dark Matter. In: Frontiers of Fundamental Physics pp 321-326. Springer, Boston, MA. ISBN 978-1-4613-6093-3.
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[See also free updated 2013 edition]

Collins, L.G. (1994). The Origin of Granite and Continental Masses in an Expanding Earth. In: Frontiers of Fundamental Physics pp 241-255. Springer, Boston, MA. ISBN 978-1-4613-6093-3.
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Davidson, J.K. (1994). Earth expansion requires increase in mass. In: Frontiers of Fundamental Physics (pp. 295-300). Springer, Boston, MA. ISBN 978-1-4613-6093-3.
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Hunt, C.W. (1994). The Primordially Hydridic Character of our Planet and Proving it by Deep Drilling.  In: Frontiers of Fundamental Physics (pp. 315-319). Springer, Boston, MA. ISBN 978-1-4613-6093-3.

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Hurrell, S.W. (1994). Dinosaurs and the Expanding Earth. 1st edition. ISBN: 9780952260301. Oneoff [See also 2011 3rd edition]

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Kokus, M. (1994). Earth Expansion and the Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanicism. In Frontiers of Fundamental Physics (pp. 327-334). Springer, Boston, MA.

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Koziar, J. (1994). Principles of Plate Movements on the Expanding Earth. In: Frontiers of Fundamental Physics (pp. 301-307). Springer, Boston, MA. ISBN 978-1-4613-6093-3.

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Koziar, J., & Jamrozik, L. (1994). Tension—Gravitational Model of Island ARCS. In Frontiers of Fundamental Physics (pp. 335-337). Springer, Boston, MA. ISBN 978-1-4613-6093-3.

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Mann, C. J., & Kanagy, S. P. (1990). Angles of repose that exceed modern angles. Geology, 18(4), 358-361.
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Meyerhoff, A.A., Boucot A.J., Meyerhoff-Hull D. & Dickins J.M. (1996). Phanerozoic faunal and floral realms of the Earth: The intercalary relations of the Milvinokaffric and Gondwana faunal realms with the Tethyan faunal realm. Geological Society of America, Memoir 189.  
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Owen, H. (1995). Speculations on the Physical State of the Earth’s Inner core. In: Advances in Fundamental Physics. Barone & Selleri (ed.) Hadronic Press, USA. ISBN 091176772X pp 429-461.


Scalera, G. (1994). Earth complexity vs. plate tectonic simplicity. In: Frontiers of Fundamental Physics (pp. 257-273). Springer US.
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Scalera, G. (1995). Relocation of Paleopoles on Variable Radius Earth Models. In: Advances in Fundamental Physics. Barone & Selleri (ed.) Hadronic Press, USA. ISBN 091176772X.


Scalera, G. (1998). Paleogeographical reconstructions compatible with Earth dilatation. Annals of Geophysics, 41(5-6).
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Shields, O. (1996). Plate Tectonics or an Expanding Earth? Journal of the Geological Society of India.
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Strutinski, C. (1994). An orogenic model consistent with Earth expansion. In: Frontiers of Fundamental Physics (pp. 287-294). Springer, Boston, MA.
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Tassos, S.T. (1994). An Evolutionary Earth Expansion Hypothesis. In: Frontiers of Fundamental Physics (pp. 275-280). Springer, Boston, MA.
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..Vogel, K. (1990). The expansion of the Earth - an alternative model to the plate tectonics theory. In: Critical aspects of the plate tectonics theory, 2, 14-34. V V Belousov. Athens, Greece : Theophrastus Publications, 1990.
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Vogel, K. (1994). Global models of the expanding Earth. In Frontiers of Fundamental Physics (pp. 281-286). Springer US.

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